General Supply

General Supply industry is a part of the Construction industry. Stallions Construction broadly includes all the materials that are used for building construction purposes. The Building Supplies industry is broadly segmented into material segments such as Metal Products, Wood Products, Flooring and Roofing Materials, Electrical Supplies, Furnishings, Security Building Supplies, Paints, Glass, Plumbing Supplies, Insulation Products, Hardware Building Construction Material, and Other Materials.

The Metal Products segment, as the name implies, consists of various metallic materials used in building construction. These include aluminum composite panels, metal roofing, metal structures, steel gratings, and steel railings. The Flooring and Roofing Materials segment consists of materials such as glass, ceramics, granites, marble, stone, structural beams, acrylic sheets, and wall and floor tiles.

Building bricks, cement, ceramics, concrete, fastening systems, fixing systems, commercial generators, fire and security equipment, waterproofing chemicals, drainage pumps, architectural hardware, bathroom fittings, and air ventilators are examples of other building supplies that are available in this industry. These materials are used at different stages of the building construction process.


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